Welcome to the training and counseling centre SYNERGEA
„It is not important how far or high you have gone,
but how close you have come to your self“
Our mission is to assist you to live and work consciously and bring to your life the joy. You can achieve it by true self cognition, acceptance and openness to a life without illusions. That is the way to inner wisdom.
Our values are:
True perception of reality is the way to conscious life. Otherwise we live in an illusion without the possibility of real growth.
We approach to others as well to ourselves with love
All what we do brings us joy and fills our lives
Wisdom means to us an connection between intellect and heart. We create reasonably and apply with regard to the impact for all participants
On this way will guide you:
Irena Pilarova is a consultant, lecturer and coach. Since 2001 she have worked as a manager and a specialist on the peopl development, including psychological support and therapy. She founded a counseling centre SVP HELP and CONSCIOUS DEVELOPMENT CENTRE SYNERGEA. She writes expert articles and books.
„Development and creation are an integral part of my life. I am pleased to support companies and individuals in their growth and success.“
Professional experience
Trainer, coach and consultant- since 2001 to the present:
Selected references in counseling
strategies, processes, HRM, audits of precesses and personnel audits: Adecco, Arcelor Mittal, Crocodile, CIA, Thomayer Hospital, Konsigna Handel,Regional Authority Jihlava, Regional Authority Zlín, Lamark, Rux, YATE, etc.
Selected references in training
Accenture Services, Arcelor Mital, B-Braun, Cetelem, Czech invest, ČEZ, GE money bank, ICZ, ING, Regional Authority Jihlava, Regional Authority Zlin, City district of Prague 5, Pilsner Urquell, Raifaisen bank, Servodata, T-mobile, TPCA, Zentiva etc.
Selected references in coaching
AAC, Disa industries, Gefos, Karneval Media, Lamark, Reca, Sdružení SOS Vesniček, Schering-Plough, Private school Praha, Skoda Auto Mladá Boleslav etc.
Selected references of managerial practice
Bayer & Romsy Frydlant n.O.- Director of the trading company
CIA Prague – Human Resource Managerr
Karneval Media Prague– Human Resource Manager
Counselling Centre SVP HELP Uh. Hradiste – Director
Refractive Centre Prague – Marketing Manager
- 1990 – 1995 FFUP Olomouc – Masters Degree of Psychology
- 2011 – 2012 Institute of Law and Legal Sciences Prague – MBA Human Resources Management and Personnel Management
Other qualifications
- Coaching (Coaching Systems, Coaching Academy, Czech Republic)
- training skills (Smarter, Czech Republic)
- Human Resource Management (Expertis, Czech Republic)
- Project management (Projecti instituti, Finland)
- Other: Managerial skills, Team work, Communication and mediation, Creating of corporate strategy, MBC, MBTI, Art Therapy, Crisis Intervention
Publications and articles
Pilarova, I.: Employee´s programs of the care for the police. Criminology, 2002, vol. XXXV, no. 3, p. 183-185.
Pilarova, I.: The Psychology of the organization and work – some difficulties of the applicability in the police professinon. In The ten years of the Department of the social science of the Academy PZ. The textbook of professional works. Bratislava, Tlačiareň MV SR 2003.
Pilarova, I.: The need of authority. In The textbook of the Conference on the 10th anniversary of the foundation of PAČR. Prague, PAČR 2003.
Gerlová, E., Pilarova, I.: The doctor and the aggressive patient.Magazine ČLK Tempus medicorum, vol.. 2, 2003, no.7,8, p. 26-28.
Pilarova, I.: Ethos of the medical state – Changing role of the patient. CLK magazine Tempus medicorum, vol.12, 2003, No.9, p 34-35.
Pilarova, I.: Introduction to Psychology of work and organization for police managers. Prague, Managementpress 2004.
Pilarova, I.: How to effectively evaluate the employees and improve their performance. Prague, Grada Publishing a.s. 2008.
Pilarova, I. : Recruitment and selection of employees ing the period of crisis. Personálny manažment nielen pre personalistov, vol.1, 2009, No.1, p 23-27.
Pilarova, I. : Role of HR in the period of crisis. Personálny manažment nielen pre personalistov, vol.1, 2009, No.3.
Pilarova, I.: Leadership & management development. Prague, Grada Publishing a.s. 2015.

Katerina is an apprentice teacher of Movement Medicine. She brings her wisdom and many years of experience with interconnection of dance and healing: Movement Medicine, 5 rythms, homeopathy, Gestalt training, The Journey by Brandon Bays and many experiential workshops of personal growth. Now she is in a Professional Training at the School of Movement Medicine.
„Dance is an inseparable part of my everyday life. For me it is any movement, which flows through me, in which I find myself and which I initiate. In the dance I keep surrendering, finding healing, solutions, joy, ecstasy, river banks for the waters of my emotions, connection with the Divine. And some of this experience I want to share with you, so that, if you wish, you can be inspired by it and you can transform it through your own movement into a shape which can become your ally, guide and friend in your everyday life.“